Poet. Writer. Essayist.

The Poetry Room



What is The Poetry Room?

The Poetry Room is a four-week online mini course facilitated by Anthony Anaxagorou. The purpose of The Poetry Room is to find innovative ways of getting poems up on their feet by leading with a series of distinct prompts focused on certain themes and subjects. The next Poetry Room course will take place in June 2024.

These will be generative workshops. Each week poets will meet for two hours — on a Wednesday afternoon for June 2024 — where Anthony will discuss a number of theoretical elements aimed at enhancing poetic practice, then close-read a poem related to the theme of the day’s workshop. From there, poets will be given a set time to respond to the prompt which will then be followed by a secondary instruction and a sharing.

Subjects will include writing around the lyric event, working with material from other disciplines such as history, philosophy, and reportage, how to incorporate humour and dialogue in poetry, avoiding realism and anecdote, and looking at a more orbital way of writing into a subject. The course is open to all, from those just beginning their poetry journey to the more advanced.

In the event that you are unable to attend a workshop, we can send you a link to a video recording of that session to watch back.

Each course is limited to 15 participants.

Course Fee: £230

Duration and Registration: 

The Poetry Room four-week courses will run bi-monthly and course delivery will be via Zoom.

The next Poetry Room course is in June 2024.

Course dates: Wednesday 5, 12, 19 and 26 June 2024, 2–4pm UK.

‘This is one of the first Zoom poetry courses I’ve taken since my days as a lit student and I found it tremendously useful. I think a lot of poetry workshops can be, for better or worse, ‘everything’s relative; it’s all good’. Anthony’s course is a welcome change to all of that. It’s to-the-point, refreshing and inspiring.’

— Piera Chen

For all enquiries regarding The Poetry Room please email: info (at) anthonyanaxagorou.com